Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Social networking

I found these technologies are such incredible amazing, they can lead you from one end to other in a second or so. Being worked as an information provider, one should always armed with these skills though not necessarily on top of each but in order to enable to help the public.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Online applications and tools

Google docs seems like a very handy tool to have around. Its like an email and word document in one! I always found attaching documents very annoying as you have to save the document, upload the document, wait for it to be uploaded...etc etc...ie very tedious work. Google docs will save time and improve our communication with others as it will be very convenient to do something and immediately have another person to edit it. I look forward to utilising this in the future. I can see myself using it to collaborate with others when planning events in the library.

Zoho- this is even more interesting than Google documents. So many programs on one website. This is even more convenient than Google docs, i think. I spent quite exploring what Zoho had to offer and I still am not aware of all the programs they have to offer. I hope to become more familiar with its use in time.

I have enjoyed these past 12 weeks. I have learnt many new things but unfortunately, my knowledge of them is still only skin-deep. This is because i find that there is insufficient time to become fully familiar with everything but will strive to incorporate everything I have learnt into my work in the future.


I think the State Library can use podcasts in a variety of ways. Not only is it a very good way to interact with members of the public, I think it will serve as a good form of communication. Stories can be recorded and children can listen to them, while information can also be recorded. However, I feel that it may not be as popular as other forms of communication as people with slow internet connection will have problems listening to these podcasts, and therefore, it is only available to a selected group of people. Those who do not have internet access are even more at a disadvantage.


how we can use mashups -
We can use mashups as an new and interesting way to get people's attention about our library. Instead of using normal, boring presentations, we can utilise mashups to create different and appealing pictures which can arouse people's attention.

Looking at the first image, we can see that mashups are very convenient for showing the location of something from one place to another. We can use mashups to direct people where our library is on advertisements or promotions in a convenient manner and thus, attract more patrons.

Friday, April 11, 2008


librarything catalog

I never knew such a thing existed. Once again, through this program, I am discovering many, many things. While doing this, I thought that it is a slight waste of time. To be honest, I would never actually use anything this if I didn't need to. I don't really see the benefit, although many may beg to differ.

Continuing, we have been asked to blog about our findings. I wasn't too sure on what i had to find so i just searched for books that i think are interesting such as the latest book on Tom Cruise. I find him to be an intriguing person. I also searched for books that hold a special place in my heart as i used to read them to my children when they were young. That is about it.


Simon & Garfunkal


I never knew such a thing like RSS existed. I must say it makes reading the news everyday much more convenient and easier as instead of going to the sites, everything is located in one window. I find this really great as I often have trouble remembering which sites i want to go to. By having all of the news being fed to my blogline account, I no longer have to remember what i want read etc.

I often like to read the news online such as the Daily Telegraph or Sydney Morning Herald, and so I have discovered that the RSS is a wonderful tool in saving my time. At the moment, I'm still not too familiar with the RSS and everything associated with it. But I believe, with more time and experience, it become more familiar and easier, and hence I will be able to use it better.

I went and read several other library blogs and i find them all pretty similar, although there are some that stand out amongst the rest.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

life-long skills

I hope to learn some life-long skills with this program, not just for my own benefit but for me to help the general public in the library.


I just went to the flickr site to look at the State Library of NSW pictures that have been tagged. Some of the pictures are really nice, others are quite boring. Some reveal the excellent architecture of the buildings.

Some people really display a talent in photography, they are truly amazing. The vast amount of books that are seen in some of the photographs never cease to amaze me. One can never read too many books. Isnt that right??
Also, the number of people in the photos remind me how popular libraries can really be. It is a true source for anything.....be it books, magazines, cds, movies, dvds, cdroms, etc etc etc. For those who say that libraries will become of no use in the futures, i believe that they do not know what they are talking about. The photos speak for themselves.


I have discovered that blogging is not an easy task. Although, i enjoy the fact that i'm learning how to do it. Working in the library, i know i need to know how to do such things and keep up with the advancing technology in order to improve my service to the public community.

I enjoy other people's blogs. They provide an interesting insight into their working lives and their own expectations of this program. I can often see similarities between what they're thinking and what i'm thinking. That's funny. We are so similar yet, we are unrelated in any way besides being librarians.